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Prostate and Elevated PSA

The Ministry of Heath and Long-Term Care, Health Services Branch, confirms that an MRI exam of the prostate for patients with elevated PSA levels, without previous biopsy are eligible for third-party coverage (private pay).

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian men (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers). It is the 3rd leading cause of death from cancer in men in Canada.

Multiparametric MRI uses several different types of MRI tests (called MRI sequences) that show different details on the MRI image. While a standard MRI can find a tumour in the prostate, a multiparametric MRI gives more details about the exact location of the tumour, how aggressive it is and whether or not it has spread outside of the prostate. A multiparametric MRI can also help a doctor better target an abnormal area during a prostate biopsy when an MRI is used. It can also help doctors decide which men with prostate cancer should be treated right away and which men may benefit most from .

MRI using an endorectal coil uses a thin wire surrounded by a small, inflated balloon that is placed inside the rectum. This type of MRI is sometimes used to get a better image of the prostate than a standard MRI. You may be given a mild sedative or a muscle relaxant to help make you more comfortable if you have an MRI using an endorectal coil.